It is a stock video footage mp4 template with HD (1080) resolution in construction category. HONG KONG - NOVEMBER 09, 2015: Two workers taking off rope from the huge hook of building crane. Gammon...


内容有不同的形式:图片、动画、旋律、文字等. 但最具影响力的类型是动画. 您可以同时显示图像并添加声音和文本. 它会以最好的方式告诉观众你的服务或产品. 在本文中,您将了解有关用于构建的短片的更多信息 Templateog体育首页 以及它如何帮助你推广你的品牌.


If you are new to content creation, you may think ready-made clips are plagiarism. 但是这种方法可以节省你的时间和金钱. It is a common type of content development that can play an additional or secondary role in the original plot.

这部影片由几部影片组成. 大多数情况下,作者可以在特定的商店购买其中的几个. Such items are easy to customize, insert, add effects, or use as a background. 这类商品具有普遍的特点,有广泛的用户群体. Cinematographers operate with such material in projects of various directions. 这是必要的,原因有很多.


Sometimes special conditions are necessary to achieve the desired result. 这些可能是自然、领土或经济环境. 你可能需要更具体的设备. 例如,你有一个关于山脉的故事. 你不能拍摄这样的素材. 在这种情况下,您需要现成的胶片.


拍下整个情节,然后把自己插进去, 你应该有专业的昂贵的设备和时间. Developing the main material yourself and operating clips as auxiliary elements is more profitable if you are new to cinematography.


高质量的插入, backgrounds, and additions can add a positive effect and create a pleasant impression on the user. 它可以建立信任,并表明你对自己的业务是认真的.


It is essential to shift the viewer's attention and focus on the information you need. Watching one interview for an hour will be boring, so you should use pauses.


You make one solid from several materials to add interactivity and unusualness to the animation. Your imagination will amaze the viewer and will not leave him indifferent.


To begin with, we recommend getting to know the competitors of your niche. 分析他们的内容,确定哪一个是最成功的. 你看点赞和评论的数量. 同时,尝试混合几种类型的精华. 你知道你的听众到底喜欢什么.


With the help of this type of essence, you introduce the user to the life of your brand. 你操作不同的格式:faq, series of tips, 专家访谈, 参观工作流程, etc.


这种类型总是很受欢迎,因为人们喜欢明确的指示. 你展示你的商品如何工作和如何使用它. 观众会感谢你,并自信地选择你的品牌.

Own experience

展示与你的品牌相关的案例研究、成功故事和失败案例. 这表明你乐于接受批评和改进的能力.


Develop a series of questions that are of potential interest to your audience. 邀请团队中的专家或知名人士. 这种形式会很有趣,也会扩大你的受众.


It is a relatively new type of essence that is currently the most popular. People love it because the clips are short and contain essential information.

Live broadcasts

It forces the viewer to concentrate on the speaker because the filming takes place online. 你展示货物开箱, broadcast events, 组织网络研讨会, 并与专家或博主举行会议.


Animation and clip have become very important for successful online businesses. We invite you to learn about it with the help of the tutorial from the Templateog体育首页 team.



It is any information in the form of an image with animation properties. You get such items from marketplaces and use them for your needs without taking into account copyright. You must analyze your niche, audience, and basic material to choose such items successfully.


All animated content can be divided into two groups: product and marketing. 第一个显示的是你在平台上销售的商品. It is necessary so that the potential customer quickly makes a decision. 您操作以下选项:电视广告, billboards, 描述中产品的演示, instructions, 关于货物的问题, feedback, 案例介绍, etc. The marketing option is animations on interesting topics for the viewer. Such material allows you to familiarize yourself with the product or service. 它包括以下类型的信息:教育, 娱乐主题, live broadcasts, webinars, reels, etc.


你需要在我们的网站上注册. 接下来,选择所需的产品并将其添加到购物车中. 输入您的付款细节并选择一个网关. After verification, you receive an archive with the item on your account.

